Threat Hunter
Omerta Security’s Cyber threat hunters are information security professionals who proactively and iteratively detect, isolate, and neutralize advanced threats that evade automated security solutions.
Read MoreOmerta Security’s Cyber threat hunters are information security professionals who proactively and iteratively detect, isolate, and neutralize advanced threats that evade automated security solutions.
Read MoreAccording to many security experts, it’s a matter of “when” and not “if” your company will experience a serious cybersecurity incident. An incident response plan is your best chance at .
Read Morethe goal is to ensure that your organization’s hardware or software resources are used only for their intended purpose.
Read MoreWe help you to apply a control permanently within the organization, to verify that each one applies the procedures on a daily basis.
Read MoreWe help you protect your information technology such as systems, networks and computer data against attack, damage or unauthorized access.
Read MoreThis training explains the web and application vulnerabilities most used by attackers in order to better understand how to protect yourself.
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